
5 ways to get you inspired to cook...

Now a days, it seems to be impossible for us ( working wife ) to spend long hours in kitchen. As much as we wanted to cook, we end up sleeping/resting or just pampering ourself. So i come up with 5 ways to get me inspired to cook.

1. Clean Kitchen

( We all ) I love to stay in clean and happy environment. If our workplace is clean we tend to work efficiency.

2. Complete Ingredients

Invest on cookbooks, plan ahead. Make sure to complete your ingredients before you start cooking.

3. Good Kitchenware

Invest on kitchen appliances. It will save time and energy when you prepare your meal. One good kitchen investment is a chopper. A small one is good enough. This can help you chop ingredient that you commonly use. ie. garlic, onions, chilies etc.

4. Friends/Family

Make sure you have someone to share your finish product. Friends or family gives good conversation over good food.

5. Partner

It feels good to spend some quality time with your love one ( Husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids, friends etc.) It will make your cooking experience fun and unforgettable.

I dont always cook, And I cant say that I love to cook. But I love to learn. My husband and I spend most of our weekend with friends and family over dinner. It's inspiring to cook when you are surrounded with good people. Do you love to cook?

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